German Humanism and Reformation: Erasmus, Luther, Muntzer, and others
Reinhard Paul Becker
Not Available
Plays and Stories: Arthur Schnitzler
Egon Schwarz
Plays: Heinrich von Kleist
Walter Hinderer
Plays: Friedrich Schiller
Wallenstein and Mary Stuart: Friedrich Schiller
German Epic Poetry: The Nibelungenlied, The Older Lay of Hildebrand, and other works
Francis Gentry
Tales: E.T.A. Hoffmann
Victor Lange
Poetry and Prose: Heinrich Heine
Jost Hermand
Critical Essays: Hans Magnus Enzensberger
Reinhold Grimm
German Medieval Tales: Hartmann von Aue, Konrad von Wurzburg, and others
Novels: Wilhelm Raabe
Professor Volkmar Sander
German Literary Fairy Tales: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Clemens Brentano, Franz Kafka, and others
Frank G Ryder
The Romantic School and Other Essays: Heinrich Heine
German Romantic Novellas: Heinrich von Kleist and Jean Paul
Philosophy of German Idealism: Fichte, Jacobi, and Schelling
Ernst Behler
Philosophical Writings: Immanuel Kant
Prose Essays Poems: Gottfried Benn
Hyperion and Selected Poems: Friedrich Höderlin
Eric Santner
German Poetry from the Beginnings to 1750: Hartmann von Aue, Wolfram von Eschenbach, Martin Luther
Ingrid WalsøeEngel
The Sufferings of Young Werther and Elective Affinities: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Nineteenth Century German Plays: Fraz Grillparzer, Johann Nepomuk Nestroy, Friedrich Hebbel
Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences in Outline and Critical Writings: G.W.F. Hegel
German Essays on History: Hegel, Ranke, Spengler, and others
Rolf Sältzer
German Mystical Writings: Hildegard of Bingen, Meister Eckhart, Jacob Boehme, and others
Karen Campbell
Parzival: Wolfram von Eschenbach
André Lefevere
Eighteenth Century German Criticism: Herder, Lenz, Lessing, and others
Timothy Chamberlain
German Theater Before 1750: Sachs, Gryphius, Schlegel, and others
Gerald Gillespie
Seventeenth Century German Prose: Grimmelshausen, Leibniz, Opitz, Weise, and others
Professor or Dr Lynne Professor in the Humanities Director and 2 more
Plays: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
German Essays on Music: Theodor W. Adorno, Ernst Bloch, Thomas Mann, and others
Plays: Gerhart Hauptmann
Philosophical Writings: Arthur Schopenhauer
Wolfgang Schirmacher
Eighteenth Century German Prose: Heinse, La Roche, Wieland, and others
Ellis Shookman
Essays: Friedrich Schiller
German Opera Libretti
James Steakley
Contemporary German Fiction: Hans Bender, Gerhard Köpf, Siegfried Lenz, and others
A Leslie Willson
German Expressionist Plays: Gottfried Benn, Georg Kaiser, Ernst Toller, and Others
Ernst Schurer
The New Sufferings of Young W.: Ulrich Plenzdorf, Gunter Kunert, Anna Seghers, and Others
Therese Hornigk
German Sociology: T.W. Adorno, M. Horkheimer, G. Simmel, M. Weber, and Others
Uta Gerhardt
Sociological Writings: Max Weber
Wolf Heydebrand
German Essays on Science in the 19th Century: Paul Ehrlich, Alexander von Humboldt, Werner Von Sieme
German Essays on Science in the 20th Century: Albert Einstein, Werner Heisenberg, Max Planck, and ot
Selected Prose and Drama: Ingeborg Bachmann and Christa Wolf
Patricia A Herminghouse
Death in Venice, Tonio Kroger, and Other Writings: Thomas Mann
Frederick A Lubich
Speculations about Jakob: Uwe Johnson
Alexander Stephan
German Feminist Writings
German 20th Century Poetry
German Writings Before and After 1945: E. Junger, W. Koeppen, I. Keun, A. Lernet-Holenia, G. von Rez
Jürgen Peters
Early 20th-Century German Fiction: A. Döblin, L. Feuchtwanger, A. Seghers, A. Zweig
German 20th Century Philosophical Writings
German Essays on Psychology: Alfred Adler, Anna Freud, C.G. Jung, and Others
The Devil's General and Germany: Jekyll and Hyde
Sebastian Haffner and 1 more
Selected Short Writings
Karl Kraus and 2 more
Stories, Political Writings, and Autobiographical Works
Heinrich Böll
Contemporary Austrian Writings
Ingo R Stoehr